PLAS Rebrand

Full redesign of Princeton University Academic department identity. Designed to be templated so department staff could make their own posters and fliers.

This redesigned included a redesigned logo, brochure, newsletter, fliers, templates for promotional posters, and a custom folder designed to hold information that is distributed to students entering the program.

Princeton University Program
in Latin American Studies

Creative Direction
Laurel Cantor

Writing and Editorial
Karin Dienst
Ushma Patel

Additional Design Support
Matilda Luk

Custom designed folder with areas for department brochure, newsletters, and event fliers.

Folder designed for PLAS that contains a brochure, newsletters, and event fliers.

Brochure explaining the program, and requirements.

Brochure designed for PLAS. It’s a square booklet.
Spread of the inside of the brochure. Left side is Greenish teal and says “Program In Latin American Studies”. Right side is white with copy.
Spread of the inside of the brochure. Left side is purple and says “Undergraduate Certificate Program”. Right side is white with copy.
Spread of the inside of the brochure. Printed on white paper with copy.
Spread of the inside of the brochure. Printed on white paper with copy in various colors.

Lecture Poster

Posters were designed to be templated so non-designers could design and layout lecture posters on their own.

Poster for lecture series.