Sunday Shares #21

One of many snowflakes I have drawn over the years during the month of December. See more of this series on this part of my website.

I just got back from seeing my parents in Florida for 10 days. Internet is very limited where they live, so it was a lot of me and my cat Fiorella spending time with my parents and Grandmother.

I also did my share of crocheting while visiting my family. This year, I finally finished the ginormous crocheted throw I started in 2021 (post on finishing that project coming soon), so decided to do something a little less time-consuming. At the moment, all I have been using is yarn and buttons from my stash for projects. Below is what I finished for my cousin’s new baby while at my parents:

My very first attempt at crocheting baby clothes.

My cousin finally received this sweater this weekend. It’s a little big for him at the moment, but I also made a matching hat that will hopefully fit his head at the moment! Cannot wait to see him in it!

Crocheting has become the hobby that allows me to be creative and relax at the end of the day. It’s amazing how many interesting idea that pop into my head as I crochet. I get why a lot of programmers and artists enjoy this hobby!

Here’s some things that caught my eye last week:

Katie Tagel-Culotta
I just love her work. The colors of these florals on this post on her Instagram are especially lovely and feel on season!

Home Alone Filming Locations
When I was visiting my parents, my Mom and I watched our share of holiday movies. Neither one of us had watched Home Alone in full until this Christmas Eve. This video showing how the movie was made is really interesting!

Start where you are.
Lovely message from @superniceletters for the start of the new year. Also, if you are reading this Carmi Grau, would LOVE to turn your lettering into a font!

Another Knitted Thing
I have been getting a lot of inspiration from knitting and crocheting. I came across Victoria Salmon’s work on instagram, and I’m obsessed!

Sketchbook of Marc David Spengler
Love the color, shape, and type exploration in his sketchbook!


Sunday Shares #22


Sunday Shares #20