Sunday Shares #22

From my summertime sketchbook, 2023.

Welcome 2024!

I started the new year with a cold (thankfully not COVID), so it’s been a lot of working at home and resting. It’s also been really cold and has snowed a few times this week where I’m at, so the urge to hunker down and just say in the house is strong.

Several people I know have mentioned how winter is a time for rest and reflection. I’m definitely feeling that vibe.

Here’s some things that caught my eye last week:

White Privilege by Mishko
Going through some images I bookmarked in 2023, and really love this one by Mishko explaining a concept that a lot of people don’t fully grasp. The typography in Mishko’s work is a prismatic mix typographic imagery that looks like it was created using photo lettering and video equipment that is not working quite right.

A Typography of Reuse
Came across this post about Hunt & Gather, a vintage store in Minneapolis that is known for selling letters from old signs. Definitely will check it out if I ever make it up to the twin cities!

Obsessed with this tiny Eames chair by miniaturist PuiWan Lim.

Miniature Plant Room
Also love the miniature work of Hannah Lemon.
Geometic, soft, bold illustrations, paintings, and tattoos by Chema Peral.


Sunday Shares #23


Sunday Shares #21